Relative Sea Level Trend

8418150 Portland, Maine

mean trend plot
The relative sea level trend is 1.97 millimeters/year with a 95% confidence
interval of +/- 0.14 mm/yr based on monthly mean sea level data from
1912 to 2024 which is equivalent to a change of 0.65 feet in 100 years.

Plots show monthly mean sea levels without the regular seasonal fluctuations from coastal ocean temperatures, salinity, wind, atmospheric pressure, and ocean currents. The relative sea level trend is also shown with its 95% confidence interval. Relative Sea Level trends at the coast can be positive or negative. A negative trend does not mean the ocean surface is falling; It indicates the land is rising more quickly than the ocean in a particular area. Trends close to zero indicate the land is rising at nearly the same rate as the ocean.

Plotted values are relative to the most recent Mean Sea Level datum established by CO-OPS. Calculated trends are available as a table in millimeters/year and in feet/century (0.3 meters = 1 foot). If present, solid vertical lines indicate dates of any major earthquakes in the vicinity of the station. Dashed vertical lines bracket any periods of questionable data or a possible datum shift.

Annual Mean Relative Sea Level Since 1960 and Regional Scenarios

8418150 Portland, Maine

The projection of future sea levels that are shown below were released in 2022 by a U.S. interagency task force in preparation for the Fifth National Climate Assessment. The projections for 5 sea level change scenarios are expected to assist decision makers in responding to local relative sea level rise. The 2022 Sea Level Rise Technical Report provides further detailed information on the projections.

regional scenario plot

The figure shows the station's annual mean sea level since 1960 and five regionalized sea level rise scenarios plotted relative to a 1996-2014 baseline period, with the year 2005 as the 'zero' for the figure. The relative position of the Mean Sea Level datum established by CO-OPS is also shown. The relative position of the geodetic datum NAVD88, which is the 'zero' used for land elevations, is also provided if it has been determined for the station.

Interannual Variation

8418150 Portland, Maine

interannual variation plot

The plot shows the interannual variation of monthly mean sea level and the 5-month running average. The average seasonal cycle and linear sea level trend have been removed. Interannual variation is caused by irregular fluctuations in coastal ocean temperatures, salinities, winds, atmospheric pressures, and ocean currents. The interannual variation for many Pacific stations is closely related to the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). If present, solid vertical lines indicate times of any major earthquakes in the vicinity of the station and dashed vertical lines bracket any periods of questionable data or datum shifts.

Interannual Variation Since 1990

8418150 Portland, Maine

interannual variation plot

The plot shows the interannual variation of monthly mean sea level and the 5-month running average. The average seasonal cycle and linear sea level trend have been removed. Interannual variation is caused by irregular fluctuations in coastal ocean temperatures, salinities, winds, atmospheric pressures, and ocean currents. The interannual variation for many Pacific stations is closely related to the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO). If present, solid vertical lines indicate times of any major earthquakes in the vicinity of the station and dashed vertical lines bracket any periods of questionable data or datum shifts.

Average Seasonal Cycle

8418150 Portland, Maine

seasonal cycle plot

The average seasonal cycle of mean sea level, caused by regular fluctuations in coastal temperatures, salinities, winds, atmospheric pressures, and ocean currents, is shown along with each month's 95% confidence interval. For local and regional comparisons, the calculated average seasonal values for all non CO-OPS and CO-OPS Stations are available as tables in meters.

Variation of 50-Year Relative Sea Level Trends

8418150 Portland, Maine

50 year trend plot

Linear relative sea level trends were calculated in overlapping 50-year increments for stations with sufficient historical data. The variation of each 50-year trend, with 95% confidence interval, is plotted against the mid-year of each 50-year period. The solid horizontal line represents the linear relative sea level trend using the entire period of record.

Variation of 50-Year Relative Sea Level Trends
Honolulu, Hawaii
Hilo, Hawaii
Bermuda, Atlantic Ocean,
Eastport, Maine
Portland, Maine
Boston, Massachusetts
Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Newport, Rhode Island
Kings Point, New York
The Battery, New York
Sandy Hook, New Jersey
Atlantic City, New Jersey
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Lewes, Delaware
Baltimore, Maryland
Annapolis, Maryland
Washington, District of Columbia
Sewells Point, Virginia
Wilmington, North Carolina
Charleston, South Carolina
Fort Pulaski, Georgia
Fernandina Beach, Florida
Mayport, Florida
Key West, Florida
Cedar Key, Florida
Pensacola, Florida
Galveston Pier 21, Texas
San Diego, California
La Jolla, California
Los Angeles, California
Santa Monica, California
San Francisco, California
Crescent City, California
Astoria, Oregon
Neah Bay, Washington
Seattle, Washington
Friday Harbor, Washington
Ketchikan, Alaska
Sitka, Alaska
Juneau, Alaska

Products available at 8418150 Portland, Maine