Relative sea-level trends calculated for overlapping 50-year segments of data. Column values are the Year, Relative Sea Level Trend, Upper 95% Confidence Interval, Lower 95% Confidence Interval, and the latest relative sea level trend. Product of NOAA’s National Ocean Service / Center for Operational Oceanographic Products and Services (CO-OPS) Trend Year Trend in mm Upper95% Lower95% Linear Trend 1920 6.650 1925 6.650 1930 6.330 7.140 5.510 6.650 1935 6.170 6.930 5.410 6.650 1940 5.890 6.620 5.150 6.650 1945 5.850 6.540 5.150 6.650 1950 6.400 7.090 5.700 6.650 1955 6.700 7.380 6.020 6.650 1960 6.870 7.540 6.200 6.650 1965 6.720 7.360 6.080 6.650 1970 6.940 7.570 6.310 6.650 1975 6.890 7.510 6.270 6.650 1980 6.840 7.440 6.240 6.650 1985 6.610 7.200 6.010 6.650 1990 6.420 7.000 5.840 6.650 1995 6.940 7.520 6.350 6.650 2000 7.210 7.790 6.640 6.650 2005 6.650 2010 6.650